Karen Quinn's Blog
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A lovely day 

This has been a busy week of writing, soliciting prizes for my contest, and shopping. Lord have mercy, did I go on a retail bender today! It was so much fun and I bought the cutest outfits. I don't know what came over me. First, I met my screenwriter, who I absolutely adore, for lunch . We went to a new Greek place which was delish. Boy did the studio assign the right screenwriter to adapt my book. We think so much alike and we really do enjoy each other's company. Plus she has great doctor recommendations for any kind of medical specialist you could ever want. It is important to know people who know things like that. She also has amazing taxi karma - she can conjure a taxi out of nowhere when one can't be found. Plus we have daughters the same age and both of our youngest kids go to the same school. How lucky am I to even know my screenwriter (most authors never meet the screenwriters), much less adore her? So, after lunch, she mentioned to me how wonderful body butter from the Body Shop was. So I went in and bought two tins of it (in olive oil and pomogranate flavors - I'm anxious to try them both). Then I happened to walk past my favorite shop and ducked in (BIG MISTAKE) and bought a cool black sweater and three very sexy tops. After buying all these clothes, what was I to do but get my nails done (Schuyler joined me for some mother-daughter bonding). It was one of those very girly days I love so much. Little writing got done. Oh well. There's always next week.

Meanwhile, I've been soliciting prizes for my contest (which starts January 2) and I've gotten some wonderful things - gold jewelry, bath products, books, panty of month club, accessories, gorgeous evening bags, makeup, beautiful scarves, chocolate - OMG - what an amazing contest this will be. You must enter it! BUT one company I solicited thought someone was using my name to scam them into giving a thief free prizes. Apparently someone pretended to be Jessica Simpson's assistant and got all these businesses to give her free stuff for Jessica (but not really). This particular bad girl is going to jail. The company really thought that's what was going on. Frankly, you'd have to be a pretty dumb scam artist to use my name to get free stuff. I mean, who has ever heard of me???? I'm about as famous as Hester Brown - ever heard of her? I thought not. She wrote The Little Lady Agency, a book I randomly chose from my bookshelf to make the point. I suppose I should be honored to think that someone in the world thought that I had a name worthy of using to steal stuff. But alas, I don't. My solicitation was for real. And the company was so sweet. They contacted me at my web site to warn me about the possible scam. Honestly, people are so nice. I hope they participate in the contest after all that.

Friday, November 10, 2006

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  Kevin Che.